Wednesday, December 10, 2008

May 31, 2008

Saying Goodbye
We had a fantastic time with the kids on Thursday, sailing to Enemannet for the day. As usual when the girls are aboard, the weather was perfect and we had a beautiful sail, a nice swim, and a lovely lunch on deck. Two of our girls have already flown home to the States, but we had Robbye, Courtney, with her friend Beth Ann, and Ben. I think we’ve mentioned before that Ben is a very talented singer and song writer, and we watched him perform for the last time at the Tide Table on Friday night. We will have our last dinner with the kids on Tuesday night before they fly out on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, we stay very busy with boat projects, ours and others. Ted is currently working on 4 boats, shuffling his time between them. I’ve picked up some sewing work and also have sewing projects for Sequester. We’re not about to get bored anytime soon.
Yesterday it POURED rain, so every jug and bucket on the boat are filled, as well as the canoe. So this morning I will do laundry, providing there is enough sun to dry it.
Next weekend the yacht club will be displaying all the mooring balls that have been painted so far, 15 in all. We will have a small “art show” at the hotel, explaining who each ball was named for and the significance of their contribution to the Marshall Islands. People will get to vote for their favorite design. We will also hand out educational material on the benefits of the reef. The mooring balls will be installed in the next few weeks.There are still about 12 yachts here, and we hear that more yachties are thinking of coming up here next season. So this is getting to be a popular place. We had a new boat come in last week, and we always enjoy getting to know new people, especially after we’ve talked to them on the radio for a few months. Life is good. Karen

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